10 Habits of A Successful Student
The key to being successful in your school is something that every child wants or dreams but it also important to understand that being successful in different to each student, where as some student might feel getting good grades as being successful and at the same time others may feel excelling in sports and extra circulars and getting good grades in school as being successful in their school. So it is very important for a student to first define what being successful is and then to work towards achieving it. Here are 10 steps for a student to follow to which can act as a road map to being successful in the school. 1) Get Organized and this can be as small as doing your bed, and once you start small it will eventually lead upto you being organized in almost everything right from your academics to non- academics and thug being organized will lead you to more and more opportunities to be a success in your school. 2) One of most important things where a student’s fails is being focuse...